"I would say the teachers and the environment were the two big take away's from this experience. There was always a teacher who could help with a problem I didn’t know I had, they taught me new ways to think about my voice and made me consider what kind of life I would have if I went into singing for college and career. The environment was something I’d never experienced before here in Wyoming and it also taught me what it would be like to work in a music based job."
Anna came back home with a whole new perspective after spending a few weeks in Boston at the Boston Conservatory Summer program. What an enriching experience to work with such a focussed group of teachers and students. I prepared her for the video audition process, she made it into the program and worked up the courage to go east from the rural town of Sheridan Wyoming. She is a hard working student and has come along way so quickly. I am so proud of you Anna! Keep it up you are going places!
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