Summer is coming to a close, too fast for me. My Arizona students are already in school! Over the Summer there have been big strides made in auditions, performances, recordings, and competitions! Nice work everyone.

I am teaching for the next two weeks to finish the summer schedule and Fall Session begins Tuesday September 7th. We will begin Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Lessons times are from 1:00pm until 6:00pm Mountain time. Here is what you need to do.

- Choose two lesson times, (1st choice and 2nd) that work best for busy lives
- Email or text me your choices
- I will respond confirming your lesson time

Somehow the schedule always works out. Please feel free to call with any questions and please know I understand schedules are settling. Do you're best to let me know as soon as possible because lesson times fill quickly.

Looking forward to singing with each of you. " When words fail music speaks"



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